List of High Protein Foods - Poultry Products

Poultry sources such as chicken and turkey are at the top of the list of high protein foods. When choosing foods from this high protein foods list, you should opt for the white meat portions of the bird, in particular the breast. The dark meat has nearly twice the fat content of the white meat.

The Middle Management™ choice to help you build muscle and burn fat is the roasted boneless and skinless chicken breast. A four ounce serving contains over 35 grams of protein (80% of the total calories) and only 4 grams of fat.

When scanning this list of high protein foods, keep fat content in mind as you consider each option.

Remember, protein contains amino acids and, as a result, is essential for your body to build, repair, and maintain muscle. Therefore, protein provides many benefits for people who wish to increase their lean muscle mass or burn fat.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies a food as "High Protein" if it contains greater than 10 grams of protein per serving.

Therefore, the following list of high protein foods from the poultry products category each contain greater than 10 grams of protein per serving.

We didn't want to simply provide you with just any product that is high in protein. If you are on a high protein diet or a low carb diet, you do not want all of that extra filler as you build and maintain your factory. We wanted to provide you with a list of high protein foods that are going to help you meet your goals to build muscle or burn fat. Therefor, each food in this high protein foods list meets two additional criterea:

  1. The food derives greater than 20% of its calories from protein, and
  2. The calories from fat are less than 25% of total calories.

The nutritional information comes from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 19.

Finally, for those on a "low fat" diet, the FDA classifies a food as "low fat" if there are less than 3 grams of fat per serving. In the chart of high protein foods below, we denote "low fat" foods below by an asterisk (*).

Some of you may be on a low carbohydrate diet. If, while using the list of high protein foods, you want to know the carbohydrate content of a particular high protein food, then you can do the following calculation:

For percent of calories from carbohydrates:

100% - % Protein - % Fat = % Carbohydrates

To find out the grams of carbs:

Total calories x % Carbohydrates / 4 = Grams of Carbs

Now, lets get to the list of high protein foods from poultry!

List of High Protein Foods: Poultry

List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, fried
.5 breast, bone and skin removed 161 28.8 76% 4.1 22%  
1 unit 97 17.4 76% 2.4 22% *
100 grams 187 33.4 76% 4.7 22%  
4 oz 212 37.9 76% 5.3 22%  
Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 231 43.4 80% 5.0 19%  
1 unit 86 16.1 80% 1.9 19% *
100 grams 165 31.0 80% 3.6 19%  
4 oz 187 35.2 80% 4.0 19%  
Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, stewed
1 cup, chopped or diced 211 40.6 82% 4.2 18%  
1 unit 86 16.5 82% 1.7 18% *
100 grams 151 29.0 82% 3.0 18%  
4 oz 171 32.9 82% 3.4 18%  
Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, raw
.5 breast, bone and skin removed 130 27.2 90% 1.5 10% *
1 unit 78 16.4 90% 0.9 10% *
100 grams 110 23.1 90% 1.2 10% *
4 oz 125 26.2 90% 1.4 10% *
Chicken, broilers or fryers, light meat, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 242 43.3 76% 6.3 23%  
1 unit 111 19.8 76% 2.9 23% *
100 grams 173 30.9 76% 4.5 23%  
4 oz 196 35.1 76% 5.1 23%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Chicken, broilers or fryers, light meat, meat only, cooked, stewed
1 cup, chopped or diced 223 40.4 78% 5.6 22%  
1 unit 113 20.5 78% 2.8 22% *
100 grams 159 28.9 78% 4.0 22%  
4 oz 180 32.7 78% 4.5 22%  
Chicken, broilers or fryers, light meat, meat only, raw
.5 chicken, bone and skin removed 168 34.1 87% 2.4 13% *
1 unit 100 20.4 87% 1.5 13% *
100 grams 114 23.2 87% 1.7 13% *
4 oz 129 26.3 87% 1.9 13% *
Chicken, broilers or fryers, meat only, raw
.5 chicken, bone and skin removed 392 70.4 77% 10.1 23%  
1 unit 234 42.1 77% 6.1 23%  
100 grams 119 21.4 77% 3.1 23%  
4 oz 135 24.3 77% 3.5 23%  
Chicken, broilers or fryers, wing, meat only, raw
100 grams 126 22.0 74% 3.5 25%  
4 oz 143 24.9 74% 4.0 25%  
Chicken, gizzard, all classes, cooked, simmered
1 cup, chopped or diced 212 44.1 89% 3.9 16%  
100 grams 146 30.4 89% 2.7 16% *
4 oz 166 34.5 89% 3.0 16%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Chicken, gizzard, all classes, raw
100 grams 94 17.7 80% 2.1 19% *
4 oz 107 20.0 80% 2.3 19% *
Chicken, roasting, light meat, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 214 38.0 76% 5.7 23%  
1 unit 119 21.2 76% 3.2 23%  
100 grams 153 27.1 76% 4.1 23%  
4 oz 173 30.8 76% 4.6 23%  
Chicken, roasting, light meat, meat only, raw
.5 chicken, bone and skin removed 240 48.8 87% 3.6 13%  
1 unit 108 22.0 87% 1.6 13% *
100 grams 109 22.2 87% 1.6 13% *
4 oz 124 25.2 87% 1.8 13% *
Chicken, roasting, meat only, raw
.5 chicken, bone and skin removed 529 97.0 78% 12.9 21%  
1 unit 232 42.5 78% 5.6 21%  
100 grams 111 20.3 78% 2.7 21% *
4 oz 126 23.1 78% 3.1 21%  
Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, breast, meat only, boneless, cooked without skin, broiled
1 cup, chopped or diced 244 48.0 84% 4.4 16%  
1 unit 62 12.1 84% 1.1 16% *
100 grams 140 27.6 84% 2.5 16% *
4 oz 159 31.3 84% 2.8 16% *
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Emu, fan fillet, cooked, broiled
1 serving 131 26.6 87% 2.0 13% *
1 steak 606 123.1 87% 9.1 13%  
100 grams 154 31.3 87% 2.3 13% *
4 oz 175 35.5 87% 2.6 13% *
Emu, fan fillet, raw
1 serving 88 19.1 93% 0.7 7% *
100 grams 103 22.5 93% 0.8 7% *
4 oz 117 25.5 93% 0.9 7% *
1 fan fillet 528 115.4 93% 4.1 7%  
Emu, flat fillet, raw
1 flat fillet 361 78.8 93% 2.6 6% *
100 grams 102 22.3 93% 0.7 6% *
4 oz 116 25.2 93% 0.8 6% *
Emu, full rump, cooked, broiled
1 serving 143 28.6 86% 2.3 14% *
100 grams 168 33.7 86% 2.7 14% *
4 oz 191 38.2 86% 3.0 14%  
1 full rump, cooked 833 167.0 86% 13.3 14%  
Emu, full rump, raw
100 grams 112 22.8 87% 1.6 13% *
4 oz 127 25.9 87% 1.9 13% *
1 full rump 778 158.6 87% 11.4 13%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Emu, inside drum, raw
100 grams 108 22.2 88% 1.5 12% *
4 oz 122 25.2 88% 1.7 12% *
1 inside drum 618 127.1 88% 8.5 12%  
Emu, inside drums, cooked, broiled
1 serving 133 27.5 89% 1.7 11% *
100 grams 156 32.4 89% 2.0 11% *
4 oz 177 36.7 89% 2.3 11% *
1 inside drum, cooked 650 134.8 89% 8.4 11%  
Emu, outside drum, raw
1 outside drum 435 97.4 96% 2.0 4% *
100 grams 103 23.1 96% 0.5 4% *
4 oz 117 26.2 96% 0.5 4% *
Emu, top loin, cooked, broiled
1 serving 129 24.7 82% 2.7 18% *
1 steak 371 71.0 82% 7.6 18%  
100 grams 152 29.1 82% 3.1 18%  
4 oz 172 33.0 82% 3.5 18%  
Guinea hen, meat only, raw
1 unit 303 56.8 80% 6.8 20%  
100 grams 110 20.6 80% 2.5 20% *
4 oz 125 23.4 80% 2.8 20% *
.5 guinea 290 54.5 80% 6.5 20%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Ostrich, fan, raw
100 grams 117 21.8 80% 2.7 20% *
4 oz 133 24.7 80% 3.0 20%  
Ostrich, inside leg, cooked
1 serving 120 24.7 88% 1.6 12% *
100 grams 141 29.0 88% 1.9 12% *
4 oz 160 32.9 88% 2.2 12% *
Ostrich, inside leg, raw
1 serving 94 19.0 86% 1.5 14% *
100 grams 111 22.4 86% 1.7 14% *
4 oz 126 25.4 86% 2.0 14% *
Ostrich, inside strip, cooked
1 serving 139 25.0 76% 3.6 23%  
100 grams 164 29.4 76% 4.3 23%  
4 oz 186 33.3 76% 4.8 23%  
Ostrich, inside strip, raw
100 grams 127 23.7 80% 2.9 20% *
4 oz 144 26.9 80% 3.3 20%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Ostrich, outside leg, raw
100 grams 115 22.9 85% 2.0 15% *
4 oz 130 25.9 85% 2.2 15% *
Ostrich, outside strip, cooked
1 serving 133 24.3 78% 3.3 22%  
100 grams 156 28.6 78% 3.8 22%  
4 oz 177 32.4 78% 4.3 22%  
4 oz 136 26.5 83% 2.5 16% *
Ostrich, oyster, cooked
1 serving 135 24.5 77% 3.4 22%  
100 grams 159 28.8 77% 4.0 22%  
4 oz 180 32.7 77% 4.5 22%  
Ostrich, round, raw
100 grams 116 22.0 81% 2.4 18% *
4 oz 132 24.9 81% 2.7 18% *
Ostrich, tenderloin, raw
100 grams 123 22.1 77% 3.2 23%  
4 oz 139 25.0 77% 3.6 23%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Ostrich, tip trimmed, cooked
1 serving 123 24.2 84% 2.2 16% *
100 grams 145 28.5 84% 2.6 16% *
4 oz 164 32.3 84% 2.9 16% *
Ostrich, tip trimmed, raw
100 grams 114 21.9 82% 2.3 18% *
4 oz 129 24.8 82% 2.6 18% *
Ostrich, top loin, cooked
1 serving 132 23.9 77% 3.3 22%  
100 grams 155 28.1 77% 3.9 22%  
4 oz 176 31.9 77% 4.4 22%  
Ostrich, top loin, raw
100 grams 119 21.7 78% 3.0 22% *
4 oz 135 24.6 78% 3.3 22%  
Pheasant, breast, meat only, raw
.5 breast, bone and skin removed 242 44.4 78% 5.9 21%  
1 unit 225 41.2 78% 5.5 21%  
100 grams 133 24.4 78% 3.3 21%  
4 oz 151 27.6 78% 3.7 21%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Pheasant, raw, meat only
1 unit 434 76.8 76% 11.9 24%  
100 grams 133 23.6 76% 3.6 24%  
4 oz 151 26.7 76% 4.1 24%  
.5 pheasant 468 83.0 76% 12.8 24%  
Quail, breast, meat only, raw
1 breast 69 12.7 78% 1.7 21% *
1 unit 256 47.0 78% 6.2 21%  
100 grams 123 22.6 78% 3.0 21% *
4 oz 139 25.6 78% 3.4 21%  
Turkey breast, pre-basted, meat and skin, cooked, roasted
100 grams 126 22.2 75% 3.5 24%  
4 oz 143 25.1 75% 3.9 24%  
.5 breast, bone removed 1089 191.5 75% 29.9 24%  
Turkey roast, boneless, frozen, seasoned, light and dark meat, raw
100 grams 120 17.6 63% 2.2 16% *
4 oz 136 20.0 63% 2.5 16% *
1 box 1361 199.6 63% 24.9 16%  
.25 box 341 50.0 63% 6.2 16%  
Turkey, all classes, light meat, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 220 41.9 81% 4.5 18%  
1 unit 184 35.0 81% 3.8 18%  
100 grams 157 29.9 81% 3.2 18%  
4 oz 178 33.9 81% 3.7 18%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Turkey, all classes, light meat, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 1329 272.4 87% 18.0 12%  
1 unit 173 35.3 87% 2.3 12% *
100 grams 115 23.6 87% 1.6 12% *
4 oz 130 26.7 87% 1.8 12% *
Turkey, all classes, meat only, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 2587 473.3 78% 62.2 21%  
1 unit 334 61.2 78% 8.0 21%  
100 grams 119 21.8 78% 2.9 21% *
4 oz 135 24.7 78% 3.2 21%  
Turkey, fryer-roasters, breast, meat and skin, cooked, roasted
1 unit 150 28.5 81% 3.1 18%  
100 grams 153 29.1 81% 3.2 18%  
4 oz 173 33.0 81% 3.6 18%  
.5 breast, bone removed 526 100.0 81% 11.0 18%  
Turkey, fryer-roasters, breast, meat and skin, raw
1 unit 154 29.2 81% 3.3 19%  
100 grams 125 23.8 81% 2.7 19% *
4 oz 142 26.9 81% 3.0 19%  
.5 breast, bone removed 541 102.9 81% 11.5 19%  
Turkey, fryer-roasters, breast, meat only, cooked, roasted
.5 breast, bone and skin removed 413 92.0 95% 2.3 5% *
1 unit 117 26.2 95% 0.6 5% *
100 grams 135 30.1 95% 0.7 5% *
4 oz 153 34.1 95% 0.8 5% *
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Turkey, fryer-roasters, breast, meat only, raw
.5 breast, bone and skin removed 433 95.9 95% 2.5 5% *
1 unit 123 27.3 95% 0.7 5% *
100 grams 111 24.6 95% 0.7 5% *
4 oz 126 27.9 95% 0.7 5% *
Turkey, fryer-roasters, dark meat, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 227 40.4 76% 6.0 23%  
1 unit 147 26.2 76% 3.9 23%  
100 grams 162 28.8 76% 4.3 23%  
4 oz 184 32.7 76% 4.9 23%  
Turkey, fryer-roasters, dark meat, meat only, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 532 98.0 79% 12.8 21%  
1 unit 151 27.8 79% 3.6 21%  
100 grams 111 20.5 79% 2.7 21% *
4 oz 126 23.2 79% 3.0 21%  
Turkey, fryer-roasters, leg, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 leg, bone and skin removed 356 65.4 78% 8.4 21%  
1 unit 102 18.7 78% 2.4 21% *
100 grams 159 29.2 78% 3.8 21%  
4 oz 180 33.1 78% 4.3 21%  
Turkey, fryer-roasters, leg, meat only, raw
1 leg, bone and skin removed 355 67.0 80% 7.8 19%  
1 unit 100 18.9 80% 2.2 19% *
100 grams 108 20.4 80% 2.4 19% *
4 oz 122 23.1 80% 2.7 19% *
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Turkey, fryer-roasters, light meat, meat and skin, cooked, roasted
1 unit 202 35.4 75% 5.6 25%  
100 grams 164 28.8 75% 4.6 25%  
4 oz 186 32.6 75% 5.2 25%  
.5 turkey, bone removed 710 124.6 75% 19.8 25%  
Turkey, fryer-roasters, light meat, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 196 42.3 92% 1.7 7% *
1 unit 146 31.4 92% 1.2 7% *
100 grams 140 30.2 92% 1.2 7% *
4 oz 159 34.2 92% 1.3 7% *
Turkey, fryer-roasters, light meat, meat only, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 519 116.3 96% 2.4 4% *
1 unit 147 32.9 96% 0.7 4% *
100 grams 108 24.2 96% 0.5 4% *
4 oz 122 27.4 96% 0.6 4% *
Turkey, fryer-roasters, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 210 41.4 84% 3.7 15%  
1 unit 293 57.6 84% 5.1 15%  
100 grams 150 29.6 84% 2.6 15% *
4 oz 170 33.5 84% 3.0 15% *
Turkey, fryer-roasters, meat only, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 1089 221.0 87% 15.6 13%  
1 unit 299 60.7 87% 4.3 13%  
100 grams 110 22.3 87% 1.6 13% *
4 oz 125 25.3 87% 1.8 13% *
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Turkey, fryer-roasters, wing, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 wing, bone and skin removed 98 18.5 81% 2.1 19% *
100 grams 163 30.9 81% 3.4 19%  
4 oz 185 35.0 81% 3.9 19%  
Turkey, fryer-roasters, wing, meat only, raw
1 wing, bone and skin removed 95 20.2 91% 1.0 9% *
100 grams 106 22.5 91% 1.1 9% *
4 oz 120 25.5 91% 1.3 9% *
Turkey, young hen, light meat, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 225 41.8 79% 5.2 20%  
1 unit 192 35.6 79% 4.5 20%  
100 grams 161 29.9 79% 3.7 20%  
4 oz 183 33.9 79% 4.2 20%  
Turkey, young hen, light meat, meat only, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 1066 217.3 87% 15.3 13%  
1 unit 171 34.8 87% 2.4 13% *
100 grams 116 23.6 87% 1.7 13% *
4 oz 132 26.8 87% 1.9 13% *
Turkey, young hen, meat only, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 2112 376.7 76% 55.0 23%  
1 unit 337 60.1 76% 8.8 23%  
100 grams 122 21.8 76% 3.2 23%  
4 oz 138 24.7 76% 3.6 23%  
List of High Protein Foods: Poultry
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
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Turkey, young tom, light meat, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 216 41.8 83% 4.1 17%  
1 unit 180 35.0 83% 3.4 17%  
100 grams 154 29.9 83% 2.9 17% *
4 oz 175 33.9 83% 3.3 17%  
Turkey, young tom, light meat, meat only, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 2019 414.9 88% 27.8 12%  
1 unit 176 36.1 88% 2.4 12% *
100 grams 114 23.4 88% 1.6 12% *
4 oz 129 26.6 88% 1.8 12% *
Turkey, young tom, meat only, cooked, roasted
1 cup, chopped or diced 235 41.1 75% 6.6 24%  
1 unit 346 60.5 75% 9.6 24%  
100 grams 168 29.4 75% 4.7 24%  
4 oz 191 33.3 75% 5.3 24%  
Turkey, young tom, meat only, raw
.5 turkey, bone and skin removed 3863 717.2 79% 89.2 20%  
1 unit 335 62.1 79% 7.7 20%  
100 grams 117 21.7 79% 2.7 20% *
4 oz 133 24.6 79% 3.1 20%  

The above list of high protein foods in poultry (chicken, turkey, etc.) is designed to help you find the best sources of protein to build muscle and burn fat.

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