List of High Protein Foods - Legumes and Legume Products

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List of High Protein Foods for legumes and legume products as classified by the US FDA.

Protein is essential for your body to build, repair, and maintaining muscle. Therefore, protein provides many benefits for people who wish to increase their lean muscle mass or burn fat.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies a food as "High Protein" if it contains greater than 10 grams of protein per serving.

Therefore, the following high protein foods from the legumes and legume products category each contain greater than 10 grams of protein per serving. Additionally, each food in this high protein foods list meets two additional criterea:

  1. The food derives greater than 20% of its calories from protein, and
  2. The calories from fat are less than 25% of total calories.

The nutritional information comes from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 19.

Additionally, the FDA classifies a food as "low fat" if there are less than 3 grams of fat per serving. In the chart of high protein foods below, we denote "low fat" foods below by an asterisk (*).

List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, adzuki, mature seed, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 294 17.3 25% 0.2 1% *
Beans, adzuki, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 294 17.3 25% 0.2 1% *
Beans, adzuki, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 648 39.1 26% 1.0 1% *
100 grams 329 19.9 26% 0.5 1% *
4 oz 373 22.5 26% 0.6 1% *
Beans, baked, canned, plain or vegetarian
1 cup 239 12.1 22% 0.9 3% *
Beans, baked, canned, with pork and tomato sauce
1 cup 238 13.0 23% 2.4 9% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, black turtle soup, mature seeds, canned
1 cup 218 14.5 28% 0.7 3% *
Beans, black turtle soup, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 241 15.1 27% 0.6 2% *
Beans, black turtle soup, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 241 15.1 27% 0.6 2% *
Beans, black turtle soup, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 624 39.1 27% 1.7 2% *
100 grams 339 21.3 27% 0.9 2% *
4 oz 384 24.1 27% 1.0 2% *
Beans, black, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 227 15.2 29% 0.9 4% *
4 oz 150 10.0 29% 0.6 4% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, black, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 227 15.2 29% 0.9 4% *
4 oz 150 10.0 29% 0.6 4% *
Beans, black, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 662 41.9 27% 2.8 4% *
100 grams 341 21.6 27% 1.4 4% *
4 oz 387 24.5 27% 1.6 4% *
Beans, chili, barbecue, ranch style, cooked
1 cup 245 12.7 22% 2.5 9% *
Beans, cranberry (roman), mature seeds, canned
1 cup 216 14.4 29% 0.7 3% *
Beans, cranberry (roman), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 241 16.5 29% 0.8 3% *
4 oz 154 10.6 29% 0.5 3% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, cranberry (roman), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 241 16.5 29% 0.8 3% *
4 oz 154 10.6 29% 0.5 3% *
Beans, cranberry (roman), mature seeds, raw
1 cup 653 44.9 29% 2.4 3% *
100 grams 335 23.0 29% 1.2 3% *
4 oz 380 26.1 29% 1.4 3% *
Beans, french, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 228 12.5 23% 1.3 5% *
Beans, french, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 228 12.5 23% 1.3 5% *
Beans, french, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 631 34.6 23% 3.7 5%  
100 grams 343 18.8 23% 2.0 5% *
4 oz 389 21.3 23% 2.3 5% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, great northern, mature seeds, canned
1 cup 299 19.3 28% 1.0 3% *
Beans, great northern, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 209 14.7 30% 0.8 3% *
Beans, great northern, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 209 14.7 30% 0.8 3% *
Beans, great northern, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 620 40.0 28% 2.1 3% *
100 grams 339 21.9 28% 1.1 3% *
4 oz 384 24.8 28% 1.3 3% *
Beans, kidney, all types, mature seeds, canned
1 cup 215 13.4 27% 1.5 6% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, kidney, all types, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 225 15.3 29% 0.9 3% *
Beans, kidney, all types, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 225 15.3 29% 0.9 3% *
Beans, kidney, all types, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 613 43.4 30% 1.5 2% *
100 grams 333 23.6 30% 0.8 2% *
4 oz 378 26.7 30% 0.9 2% *
Beans, kidney, california red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 219 16.2 31% 0.2 1% *
4 oz 141 10.4 31% 0.1 1% *
Beans, kidney, california red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 219 16.2 31% 0.2 1% *
4 oz 141 10.4 31% 0.1 1% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, kidney, california red, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 607 44.8 32% 0.5 1% *
100 grams 330 24.4 32% 0.3 1% *
4 oz 374 27.6 32% 0.3 1% *
Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, canned
1 cup 218 13.4 26% 0.9 4% *
Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 225 15.3 29% 0.9 3% *
Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 225 15.3 29% 0.9 3% *
Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 620 41.5 29% 2.0 3% *
100 grams 337 22.5 29% 1.1 3% *
4 oz 382 25.5 29% 1.2 3% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, kidney, royal red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled with salt
1 cup 218 16.8 33% 0.3 1% *
4 oz 139 10.8 33% 0.2 1% *
Beans, kidney, royal red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 218 16.8 33% 0.3 1% *
4 oz 139 10.8 33% 0.2 1% *
Beans, kidney, royal red, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 605 46.6 33% 0.8 1% *
100 grams 329 25.3 33% 0.5 1% *
4 oz 373 28.7 33% 0.5 1% *
Beans, navy, mature seeds, canned
1 cup 296 19.7 28% 1.1 3% *
Beans, navy, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 255 15.0 25% 1.1 4% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, navy, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 255 15.0 25% 1.1 4% *
Beans, navy, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 705 41.0 25% 3.1 4%  
100 grams 339 19.7 25% 1.5 4% *
4 oz 384 22.3 25% 1.7 4% *
Beans, pink, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 252 15.3 26% 0.8 3% *
4 oz 169 10.3 26% 0.6 3% *
Beans, pink, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 252 15.3 26% 0.8 3% *
4 oz 169 10.3 26% 0.6 3% *
Beans, pink, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 720 44.0 26% 2.4 3% *
100 grams 343 21.0 26% 1.1 3% *
4 oz 389 23.8 26% 1.3 3% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, canned
1 cup 206 11.7 24% 1.9 8% *
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 245 15.4 27% 1.1 4% *
4 oz 162 10.2 27% 0.7 4% *
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 245 15.4 27% 1.1 4% *
4 oz 162 10.2 27% 0.7 4% *
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 670 41.3 26% 2.4 3% *
100 grams 347 21.4 26% 1.2 3% *
4 oz 393 24.3 26% 1.4 3% *
Beans, small white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 254 16.1 27% 1.1 4% *
4 oz 161 10.2 27% 0.7 4% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, small white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 254 16.1 27% 1.1 4% *
4 oz 161 10.2 27% 0.7 4% *
Beans, small white, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 722 45.4 27% 2.5 3% *
100 grams 336 21.1 27% 1.2 3% *
4 oz 381 23.9 27% 1.3 3% *
Beans, white, mature seeds, canned
1 cup 299 19.0 27% 0.8 2% *
Beans, white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 249 17.4 30% 0.6 2% *
4 oz 158 11.0 30% 0.4 2% *
Beans, white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 249 17.4 30% 0.6 2% *
4 oz 158 11.0 30% 0.4 2% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, white, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 673 47.2 30% 1.7 2% *
100 grams 333 23.4 30% 0.9 2% *
4 oz 378 26.5 30% 1.0 2% *
Beans, yellow, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 255 16.2 27% 1.9 7% *
4 oz 163 10.4 27% 1.2 7% *
Beans, yellow, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 255 16.2 27% 1.9 7% *
4 oz 163 10.4 27% 1.2 7% *
Beans, yellow, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 676 43.1 27% 5.1 7%  
100 grams 345 22.0 27% 2.6 7% *
4 oz 391 24.9 27% 2.9 7% *
Broadbeans (fava beans), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 187 12.9 30% 0.7 3% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Broadbeans (fava beans), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 187 12.9 30% 0.7 3% *
Broadbeans (fava beans), mature seeds, raw
1 cup 512 39.2 33% 2.3 4% *
100 grams 341 26.1 33% 1.5 4% *
4 oz 387 29.6 33% 1.7 4% *
Cowpeas, catjang, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 200 13.9 30% 1.2 5% *
Cowpeas, catjang, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 200 13.9 30% 1.2 5% *
Cowpeas, catjang, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 573 39.8 30% 3.5 5%  
100 grams 343 23.9 30% 2.1 5% *
4 oz 389 27.0 30% 2.3 5% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds, canned, plain
1 cup 185 11.4 26% 1.3 6% *
Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 198 13.2 28% 0.9 4% *
Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 200 13.3 28% 0.9 4% *
Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds, raw
1 cup 561 39.3 30% 2.1 3% *
100 grams 336 23.5 30% 1.3 3% *
4 oz 381 26.7 30% 1.4 3% *
Hyacinth beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 227 15.8 30% 1.1 4% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Hyacinth beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 227 15.8 30% 1.1 4% *
Hyacinth beans, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 722 50.2 30% 3.5 4%  
100 grams 344 23.9 30% 1.7 4% *
4 oz 390 27.1 30% 1.9 4% *
Lentils, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 226 17.9 34% 0.8 3% *
4 oz 129 10.2 34% 0.4 3% *
Lentils, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 230 17.9 33% 0.8 3% *
4 oz 132 10.2 33% 0.4 3% *
Lentils, pink, raw
1 cup 662 47.9 31% 4.2 6%  
100 grams 345 25.0 31% 2.2 6% *
4 oz 391 28.3 31% 2.5 6% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Lentils, raw
1 cup 678 49.5 31% 2.0 3% *
100 grams 353 25.8 31% 1.1 3% *
4 oz 400 29.3 31% 1.2 3% *
Lima beans, large, mature seeds, canned
1 cup 190 11.9 27% 0.4 2% *
Lima beans, large, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 216 14.7 29% 0.7 3% *
Lima beans, large, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 216 14.7 29% 0.7 3% *
Lima beans, large, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 602 38.2 27% 1.2 2% *
100 grams 338 21.5 27% 0.7 2% *
4 oz 383 24.3 27% 0.8 2% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Lima beans, thin seeded (baby), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 229 14.6 27% 0.7 3% *
Lima beans, thin seeded (baby), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 229 14.6 27% 0.7 3% *
Lima beans, thin seeded (baby), mature seeds, raw
1 cup 677 41.7 26% 1.9 2% *
100 grams 335 20.6 26% 0.9 2% *
4 oz 380 23.4 26% 1.1 2% *
Lupins, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 193 25.8 57% 4.8 22%  
100 grams 116 15.6 57% 2.9 22% *
4 oz 132 17.7 57% 3.3 22%  
Lupins, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 198 25.8 56% 4.8 22%  
100 grams 119 15.6 56% 2.9 22% *
4 oz 135 17.7 56% 3.3 22%  
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Lupins, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 668 65.1 42% 17.5 23%  
1 oz 105 10.3 42% 2.8 23% *
100 grams 371 36.2 42% 9.7 23%  
4 oz 421 41.0 42% 11.0 23%  
Meat extender
1 cup 275 33.5 52% 2.6 8% *
1 oz 89 10.8 52% 0.8 8% *
100 grams 313 38.1 52% 3.0 8% *
4 oz 355 43.2 52% 3.4 8%  
Mothbeans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 207 13.8 29% 1.0 4% *
Mothbeans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 207 13.8 29% 1.0 4% *
Mothbeans, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 672 45.0 29% 3.2 4%  
100 grams 343 22.9 29% 1.6 4% *
4 oz 389 26.0 29% 1.8 4% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Mung beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 212 14.2 29% 0.8 3% *
Mung beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 212 14.2 29% 0.8 3% *
Mung beans, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 718 49.4 29% 2.4 3% *
100 grams 347 23.9 29% 1.2 3% *
4 oz 393 27.1 29% 1.3 3% *
Mungo beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 189 13.6 31% 1.0 5% *
Mungo beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 189 13.6 31% 1.0 5% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Mungo beans, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 706 52.2 32% 3.4 4%  
100 grams 341 25.2 32% 1.6 4% *
4 oz 387 28.6 32% 1.9 4% *
Peanut flour, defatted
1 cup 196 31.3 68% 0.3 1% *
1 oz 93 14.8 68% 0.2 1% *
100 grams 327 52.2 68% 0.6 1% *
4 oz 371 59.2 68% 0.6 1% *
Peas, split, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 227 16.3 31% 0.8 3% *
Peas, split, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 231 16.3 30% 0.8 3% *
Peas, split, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 672 48.4 31% 2.3 3% *
100 grams 341 24.6 31% 1.2 3% *
4 oz 387 27.8 31% 1.3 3% *
1 lb 1547 111.4 31% 5.3 3%  
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Pigeon peas (red gram), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 203 11.4 24% 0.6 3% *
Pigeon peas (red gram), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 203 11.4 24% 0.6 3% *
Pigeon peas (red gram), mature seeds, raw
1 cup 703 44.5 27% 3.1 4%  
100 grams 343 21.7 27% 1.5 4% *
4 oz 389 24.6 27% 1.7 4% *
Soy flour, defatted
1 cup 330 47.0 61% 1.2 3% *
1 oz 94 13.3 61% 0.3 3% *
100 grams 330 47.0 61% 1.2 3% *
4 oz 374 53.3 61% 1.4 3% *
Soy flour, defatted, crude protein basis (N x 6.25)
1 cup 327 51.5 67% 1.2 3% *
1 oz 93 14.6 67% 0.3 3% *
100 grams 327 51.5 67% 1.2 3% *
4 oz 371 58.4 67% 1.4 3% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Soy flour, low-fat
1 cup 327 40.9 53% 5.9 16%  
1 oz 105 13.2 53% 1.9 16% *
100 grams 372 46.5 53% 6.7 16%  
4 oz 422 52.8 53% 7.6 16%  
Soy flour, low-fat, crude protein basis (N x 6.25)
1 cup 325 44.8 59% 5.9 16%  
1 oz 105 14.4 59% 1.9 16% *
100 grams 369 50.9 59% 6.7 16%  
4 oz 418 57.8 59% 7.6 16%  
Soy meal, defatted, raw
1 cup 414 54.8 57% 2.9 6% *
1 oz 96 12.7 57% 0.7 6% *
100 grams 339 45.0 57% 2.4 6% *
4 oz 384 51.0 57% 2.7 6% *
Soy meal, defatted, raw, crude protein basis (N x 6.25)
1 cup 411 60.0 62% 2.9 6% *
1 oz 96 13.9 62% 0.7 6% *
100 grams 337 49.2 62% 2.4 6% *
4 oz 382 55.8 62% 2.7 6% *
Soy protein concentrate, crude protein basis (N x 6.25), produced by acid wash
1 oz 93 18.0 83% 0.1 1% *
100 grams 328 63.6 83% 0.5 1% *
4 oz 372 72.2 83% 0.5 1% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Soy protein concentrate, produced by acid wash
1 oz 94 16.5 75% 0.1 1% *
100 grams 331 58.1 75% 0.5 1% *
4 oz 375 65.9 75% 0.5 1% *
Soy protein concentrate, produced by alcohol extraction
1 oz 94 16.5 75% 0.1 1% *
100 grams 331 58.1 75% 0.5 1% *
4 oz 375 65.9 75% 0.5 1% *
Soy protein isolate
1 oz 96 22.9 102% 1.0 9% *
100 grams 338 80.7 102% 3.4 9%  
4 oz 383 91.5 102% 3.8 9%  
Soy protein isolate, potassium type
1 oz 92 22.9 106% 0.2 1% *
100 grams 326 80.7 106% 0.5 1% *
4 oz 370 91.5 106% 0.6 1% *
Soy protein isolate, potassium type, crude protein basis
1 oz 91 25.0 117% 0.2 1% *
100 grams 321 88.3 117% 0.5 1% *
4 oz 364 100.2 117% 0.6 1% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
1 oz 108 24.4 97% 1.1 9% *
100 grams 380 86.0 97% 4.0 9%  
4 oz 431 97.5 97% 4.5 9%  
1 oz 110 24.9 97% 1.1 9% *
100 grams 388 87.8 97% 4.0 9%  
4 oz 440 99.5 97% 4.5 9%  
Soy sauce made from soy (tamari)
100 grams 60 10.5 75% 0.1 1% *
4 oz 68 11.9 75% 0.1 1% *
Soy sauce made from soy and wheat (shoyu)
1 cup 135 16.0 51% 0.1 1% *
Soy sauce made from soy and wheat (shoyu), low sodium
1 cup 135 13.2 42% 0.2 1% *
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Vegetarian stew
1 cup 304 42.0 59% 7.4 21%  
100 grams 123 17.0 59% 3.0 21% *
4 oz 139 19.3 59% 3.4 21%  
Yardlong beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 202 14.2 30% 0.8 3% *
Yardlong beans, mature seeds, raw
1 cup 579 40.6 30% 2.2 3% *
100 grams 347 24.3 30% 1.3 3% *
4 oz 393 27.6 30% 1.5 3% *
Yardlong beans, yardlong, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 202 14.2 30% 0.8 3% *
Beans, baked, canned, with pork
1 cup 268 13.1 21% 3.9 13%  
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Beans, baked, canned, with pork and sweet sauce
1 cup 283 13.4 20% 3.6 11%  
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans, bengal gram), mature seeds, raw
1 cup 728 38.6 23% 12.1 15%  
100 grams 364 19.3 23% 6.0 15%  
4 oz 413 21.9 23% 6.8 15%  
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans, bengal gram), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
1 cup 269 14.5 23% 4.2 14%  
4 oz 186 10.0 23% 2.9 14% *
Refried beans, canned (includes USDA commodity)
1 cup 237 13.8 25% 3.2 12%  
Chickpea flour (besan)
1 cup 356 20.6 25% 6.2 15%  
100 grams 387 22.4 25% 6.7 15%  
4 oz 439 25.4 25% 7.6 15%  
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans, bengal gram), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
1 cup 269 14.5 23% 4.2 14%  
4 oz 186 10.0 23% 2.9 14% *
100 grams 371 25.6 29% 3.3 8%  
4 oz 421 29.0 29% 3.7 8%  

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