Beginner's Muscle Building Information to Get You Started With Your Muscle Building Routine

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Without the best muscle building information, your weight training routines, diets and efforts to build muscle will not meet your goals.

Most of would like to have large muscles. Well, okay, at least larger muscles. So what does it take to have larger muscles?

Most people, when they think of muscle building and muscle building information, they think specifically of weight training. Some may even think of both weight training and diet. Very few people think of all three muscle building techniques: weight training, diet, and rest. This article gives an overview of all three of those muscle building techniques.

The first (and perhaps most important) piece of muscle building information that we can provide is that building muscle is not an overnight thing. It takes a lot of dedication, time and effort, both inside the gym and out.

Therefore, the first step for anyone considering a muscle building routine is to thoroughly understand the amount of time and effort that you will need to dedicate if you want to succeed in your muscle building plans. If you are not willing to put in the time and effort, then you would just be wasting your time, and you fail to build muscle.

Muscle Building Information: Weight Training

Once you have made the commitment to your muscle building routine, you will need to undertake a weight training routine. Without over training, your entire body needs to get the best workout possible, using the most effective exercises to build muscle.

To do that, you should incorporate compound exercises use more than one muscle and/or joint to lift the weight. Bench press exercise uses mainly your chest, but also requires your triceps and shoulders as well, and is an excellent example of a muscle building compound movement. Some exercises, like bicep curls, are known as an isolation exercise, since it uses only the biceps to lift the weight and only involve one joint (the elbow).

The exercises in our article Big 5 Muscle Building Exercises are all compound movements. Among the most effective exercises for a muscle building routine are deadlifts. Deadlifts work nearly every muscle in the body and involves multiple joints to lift the weight off the floor. Another great muscle building exercise is the wildly popular bench press, which works primarily the chest. Other excellent compound movements include the military press , which is the main exercise for the shoulders, and the squats, which is the main exercise for the leg workout.

These and other compound movements must be the focus of your muscle building routine. There are other exercises to be done along with these including some isolation exercise; however, the compound movements are the ones that tend to gain the most muscle, strength and size. We provide many free workout plans to build muscle to help you get started.

Muscle Building Information: Diet

You diet also plays an important role in muscle building. You must eat correctly, and a lot, in order to grow big muscles. Most people really perk up with that last statement and zone out on the rest of the discussion. They think, "Wow, I need to eat a lot, let's scoot over to the McD's and order some burgers and fries!" They could not be more wrong. Saturated fat will cause you to get fat, and you want muscle, not fat, so you will want to eliminate saturated fat as much as possible, and that means to stay away from the late drive through fare. Also on your elimination list should be soda, fried foods, and anything that has high sugar content.

Protein (along with plenty of water) is perhaps your most important ally in building muscle. You need at least one gram of protein per pound every day from food that you eat. The Top 5 List of High Protein Foods can help you choose an excellent source of protein for your muscle building routine.

If you are not getting enough protein from the food that you eat, then you need to use a whey or soy protein supplement The article on Soy versus Whey Protein discusses the differences between the two proteins.

Obviously, this only scratches the surface on muscle building foods. If you would like more information, read Which Muscle Building Food Do You Need to Build Muscle Fast?

Muscle Building Information: Rest

The final component of any good muscle building routine, and by far the most over looked is getting enough rest. Overtraining may be one of the biggest mistakes that prevent you from building muscle fast. If you over train, not only will you not build muscle, but you may end up losing muscle instead. You read that right, you may actually lose muscle.

Contrary to popular belief, muscle is not built in the gym. It is actually broken down there. Muscles only grow when they are resting. It is during rest that your body can use the protein and calories from your muscle building foods to repair the damage from your weight training routine and build the muscles bigger.

Therefore, you need to work your muscles, then give them time to recover, before working them again. You should try to rest 48 to 72 hours before working the same muscle group again. This means work a muscle group no more than every other day for beginners; more advanced lifters may benefit from longer rest periods between weight training sessions. In fact, many professional bodybuilders go 5 to 7 days between workouts for a given muscle group.

Muscle Building Information: Rest

There are three important muscle building techniques that must be incorporated into your muscle building routine. Each one is just as important as the others. You must have the dedication to properly incorporate all of this muscle building information in to your routines, and if you do that, you will be packing on quality lean muscle mass in no time! Lift, Eat, Rest, Repeat!

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